Adding Juice to My Game
As of a few weeks ago I finally started working on a game I've been dreaming about for almost 10 years. You see, back in 2105 I participated in the Global Game Jam and made a game called What Do We Do Now, which is a very short puzzle game that looks something like this:

If you're just here for the free Godot stuff, skip down to the bottom where the video is. If you have 1 minute for some context, please read on 🙏
People seemed to really dig it and so I started planning out a full version of it called Now What Do We Do? It has a website and everything. Well, actually it just has the website with the original prototype, which you can play here.
In any case, I'm finally making the full game. If you'd like to follow along with updates you can certainly subscribe to my YouTube channel and for extra credit you can join my free newsletter which will offer occasional devlogs.
As someone who spent nearly a decade publishing indie games, I'd like to think I can bring a unique perspective that game developers don't often get to see. I'm part game developer, part game publisher, and mostly pup-dad.
This is Auggie "helping" me stretch my hamstrings. Gotta love him ❤️

Anyhow... in this video I cover a little script I wrote to make clicking all the thingamajigs, doodad, and whirlybobs (now I'm just making up words) more fun and satisfying to click.
The source for this and all future useful stuff that comes out of this game will be up on itch collected in a special package I'm calling Bacon Juice for Godot, because I don't have the better sense not to call it that.
Without further delay... the vidya.