This is the second entry in my Bacon Juice collection which you can get for free on itch to learn from, use in your projects, or laugh at (please don't laugh at it) 😜 This video cover3 different implementations of a Godot Shader (made by Godotneers) and some settings
As of a few weeks ago I finally started working on a game I've been dreaming about for almost 10 years. You see, back in 2105 I participated in the Global Game Jam and made a game called What Do We Do Now, which is a very short
The amount of keyboard shortcuts in Godot is staggering. Some border on the absurd, some are obvious and expected, and others fly under the radar. But that doesn't mean they don't add tremendous value (it might just mean they need better PR) If you're
Godot, like most game engines, is absolutely PACKED with features. Some of them are hard to find. Others are staring you right in the face but still go unnoticed. Here are 10 of my favorite Godot features hidden in plain sight. Similarly, Godot has a ton of keyboard shortcuts that
This Godot addon allows you to create some fancy shader-effects without having to write any shader code at all. In fact, you don't even need to touch or think about shaders. Just play with values and sliders to see what happens. If you want another free and easy
If you're looking for an easy way to limit text input to specific characters, this video might help. I was making a little puzzle game where players enter guesses into a field, but I didn't want them entering special characters, numbers, etc. So I wrote a
Shaders can be intimidating but even if you don't fully understand how to read or write them you can still use them to your advantage. Here's a simple shader I wrote that I use to quickly spruce up start screens or puzzle game backgrounds. With just
Being able to pause your game when the user brings up a settings menu or clicks outside your game window is an important feature. And equally important is how to allow other things, like the pause menu that was just opened, to continue running. The good news is... this is
I think most Godot developers are familiar with signals. After all, it's tough to do much without them (in my opinion). But there's more than one way to skin a signal (sorry). Here are a few uses for signals in Godot that you may not know
Today we're taking a high-level look at the new TilemapLayer in Godot 4. Initially, folks seemed pretty amped up about this (hence the title of the video) but I think they've mostly calmed down now. In all honesty, TilemapLayers aren't all that different than
There's a feature in Godot 4+ that allows you to place scenes in your Tilemap just as you would sprites. It's not exactly hidden but it's also not plainly obvious, especially if you're going in the this-is-where-I-paint-tiles kind of mindset that many
If you've ever gotten Godot's collision layers and masks confused... fear not. I gotchu. Read on to never mix them up again.
Quit copying and pasting from old Godot projects. Use this template (or create your own from mine) and get right to the fun parts of making games!
Finding a publisher for your indie game is hard work and the process can be intimidating. This series covers 5 major components of this process in an attempt to prepare you for what lies ahead in this process.
Recently I sat down to talk with John Cooney, legendary Flash game designer behind dozens of memorable Flash games to talk game design, how the industry has changed, and more!
This is how I use this free Todo Manager for Godot to avoid rabbit holes and code more freely. This is not a tutorial on how to use a checklist tool, it's how I use it to get out of my own way.
Here are some techniques I use in Godot (and other engines) to ensure that I write fewer bugs and catch errors long before I hit publish.
In this Godot 4 tutorial, learn several debugging tips and techniques that are better than print()ing to the console.
If you've made it this far, congratulations! Few indies get to the contract negotiation phase. This video covers some common questions and pitfalls indies run into at this step.
This tutorial will walk you through setting up a GitHub repo that you can use to quickly stand up game jam games and other projects.
Loading scenes. Progress bars. Scene transitions. Data handoff. These are all pillars of any game project. Scene Manager+ does all of this and the source code is free for you to use.
If you're learning Godot, here are 5 coding challenges you can try today to test your skills.
Your first call with a publisher can be intimidating... but it doesn't have to be. These 3 keys will help you come to that call confident and prepared.
Learn Godot 4 today by making an entire game in about an hour. This free course exists both as a 6-part series as well as a singular 1-hour video. Choose the method most comfortable to you!
It's hard to know when your indie game is ready to show to publishers. Here are some tips for figuring that out for your game.
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Finding a publisher for your indie game is hard. And that journey begins with your first email. Here are 5 tips for writing it.